Awarded by Mr. Michel Sleiman, former President of the Lebanese Republic..
Awarded by Mr. Emile Lahoud, former President of the Lebanese Republic.
April 2013 - Mrs. Suzanne Oueiss, former President of the Lebanese Red Cross awarded the Medal of Honor as a sign of gratitude on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross (1863).
December 2018, he received the "Recognition Award for Outstanding Community Initiatives to Support Autism Awareness by Sheikh Mohammed bin Maktoum bin Juma Al Maktoum in Dubai.
2019: “Spirit of Adventure” selected as the most inspiring in the Middle East and North Africa region, on the occasion of Guinness World Records Day 2019..
2008, Minister of Youth and Sports, Talal Arslan, presented a Medal of Honor on the occasion of the N2S race to spread the message “WITH THEIR STRENGTH, WE RUN AGAINST CANCER”..